I tried to capture this breathtaking sight with my camera somewhere in the German black forest- my favorite place in the whole wide world where mountains and forests meet!! Now how can a “mountains” girl not have a picture of the mountains on her first blog? 😉
This picture reminds me of how I feel in God’s presence: rested, refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to take on my day…This picture speaks volumes about my need to daily find a rested place, an island by itself, where I can shut myself from the chaos and confusion of the world around me, the endless list of chores and to-do lists, goals and so on and fix my gaze on Jesus.
Using this blog as my digital platform, I am SO excited to share with you deep things from the Bible that I have gleaned with help from the Holy Spirit by abiding in the secret place with Him (=my quiet time!)
It is my utmost desire through my blog to encourage, inspire and motivate my brothers and sisters in Christ to drink deeply from His Word. Jesus says in John 4:14, “But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again—ever! In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up within him for eternal life.” The Lord gives freely to all who hunger and thirst after Him in righteousness.
​I have found deep joy that flows like a fountain ever since I learned to hide myself in the secret place of the Most High God. Through the eb and flow of life, I have thrown my anchor deep into God’s Word. It is also my desire to encourage you to find your secret place of rest, rejuvenation and relaxation with the Lord.
God surprises me time and again by the revelation that the truths in His Word are simple and easy to grasp. How often we complicate everything by applying human reasoning instead of asking the Holy Spirit to throw light into what we are reading in the Bible!
The Holy Spirit is my constant guide. I pray that as you press in to read His Word, that you will allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in you: to instruct you, teach you, guide you, correct you, continually refine you so you may be more and more like Jesus- radiant, unblemished, joyful in all circumstances, thankful in all occasions, unshackled and free to be everything God has purposed you to be! Be encouraged and be blessed!
Much love in Jesus,
PS: I encourage you to rely on the Holy Spirit to personally speak into your situations through what He breathes upon me to write. I also would like you to please not take this as a stand alone substitute to reading God’s Word. ​My blog posts are intended to cause you to thirst after His Word and go after it like a deer that thirsts and PANTS after water. His Word ALONE is the LIFE GIVING WATER.