Ephesians 6: 17, “Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s Word.”
This week as I began to meditate on this verse, I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to me the deeper truths about salvation and about why this piece of the armor is so vital that it protects the head as a helmet. My answer was found in the book of 1 Peter. I urge you to prayerfully meditate upon these truths as you read on.
In the book of 1 Peter, the apostle Peter talks about this precious, imperishable gift of salvation that God has kept for each of us who have faith in Jesus. He says that this gift of salvation is so unique in such that it was already decided by God and was prophesied about through His prophets for several years before the coming of Christ. That we, as believers in Christ, knowing of this, ought not be surprised by the many trials that we face during our time in the earthly realm but are to take courage knowing that God is with us during our temporary residence in this world and that He will help us come out stronger, more refined after every trial. Our trials work for us and not against us.
I love the fact that Peter says the above!! This was the very same apostle who once walked on water as long as he held his gaze on Jesus but began sinking the moment he became aware of the wind and the waves. Peter has lived the experience! Peter was the very same disciple who denied Christ when he looked around with fear of being named as one of Christ’s disciples but realized the cost of being a follower of Jesus, truly repented and followed Christ with such passion, single minded commitment and focus.
So what exactly is the helmet of salvation? It is knowing, deeply accepting and coming to terms with the truth that God is with us, that we are His, that His redemption plan to save us was made much before we were even born (how cool is that?), that He has kept an imperishable treasure (even gold that can be made by refining perishes and pales in value compared to what God has for us!) for each of us who know and have put our faith in Christ, and that although we are faced with many trials during our time on earth, God has got our backs! We have an assurance for eternity that is sealed, imperishable and kept in Heaven for us.
When we know this, how will we change the way we live on earth?
We will not be overwhelmed when trials and challenges overtake us. Because we know God is in control. We will not feel intimidated when people take advantage of us, slander us, manipulate us. Because the Bible says in 1 Peter that God blesses us and gives us favour when people are evil in their intentions towards us but we do not repay them in kind.
The helmet protects the head. Our mind- the seat of our thoughts and intentions is protected by the helmet of salvation. God calls of us to put on the helmet of salvation when the enemy attacks us. Why? Because when we come to realize that this is temporary, that God is fighting our battles, we will be calm in the midst of chaos. We will steady our gaze on things above, instead of looking at things around us and feel threatened.
In this current situation with the global corona crisis, with many losing jobs and loved ones, it is encouraging to know and be reminded of what Jesus says: In this world you will have many tribulations, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.”
Can you and I rest in this hope? Can we give our unsettled hearts fixed on the temporary into His Hands? Can we raise our focus from the temporary earthly realm and fix our gaze on the heavenly realm? Can we run this race, this difficult earthly race filled with potholes, roadblocks, detours, one-ways, dead ends with endurance with our gaze on Jesus? I believe we can. With Jesus as our focus.
Heavenly Father, how can I thank You enough for the ways You have equipped me to fearlessly live in this world. I thank You for the gift of salvation. I thank You that You have not left me as an orphan in this world but are so near to me. Remind me to put on the helmet of salvation whenever trials in this life overwhelm me. Remind me ever so gently whenever I slip up that You are near and that You are more than enough for me. This I ask in Your precious Name, Jesus. Amen.