Picture Courtesy: Quote Fancy
(Bible passages: 1 Samuel 9 and 10; John 4:7-26)
This morning I was reading the stories of Saul going in search of donkeys that were momentarily lost. He embarked on the journey looking for donkeys, not knowing that it was part of a larger plan of God. Unknown to Saul, God had instructed Samuel that He would send a man his way whom Samuel had to anoint as the first King of Israel! What a big surprise awaited Saul! Saul even had a choicest piece of meat awaiting him that Samuel had set aside for that moment!!
I was also reading today about the Samaritan woman at the well. She was at the well drawing water in the outskirts of the town. Because she was a prostitute, she was not allowed access to wells within the city. She would have barely even realized that on a regular day when she went to draw water, she would meet the much talked about and awaited Messiah at the well!! That He would even offer her life giving water! WOW!
As God’s children we have this assurance: He meets us in the ordinary, every day lives and transforms us into totally new people through the work of the Holy Spirit!
In 1 Samuel 10:6-7 (Holman Christian Standard Bible) says:” The Spirit of the Lord will control you, you will prophesy with them, and you will be transformed into a different person. 7 When these signs have happened to you, do whatever your circumstances require[e] because God is with you.”
In The Message translation it says: “Before you know it, the Spirit of God will come on you and you’ll be prophesying right along with them. And you’ll be transformed. You’ll be a new person! 7 “When these confirming signs are accomplished, you’ll know that you’re ready: Whatever job you’re given to do, do it. God is with you!”
In Saul’s times, the Holy Spirit was not available to everyone! But we live in times after Pentecost- where the Holy Spirit anointing is poured out freely on all men and women who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour! We live in exciting times.
The Holy Spirit transforms us and makes us NEW. We do not need to go through a training program to be qualified. HE is our qualification!!
We are ready the moment the Holy Spirit is within us, doing His work of transformation. He changes us inside out and qualifies us for the job we are given to do. God is no longer just WITH us, but HE is IN us!!
During this pentacost weekend, I want us to take hold of this truth: we can expect God to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and embark each of us into unexpected, exciting, unknown, brand new destinations because The Holy Spirit lives in us. All He asks is for hearts that are open to Him doing His work in us. Both Saul and the Samaritan women were willing to allow God to work in them. And HE did mighty acts through both that touched many lives.
I pray for you and I to experience the extraordinary in the ordinary as we remain in Him.
Heavenly Father, I am so excited for the transformations that I can experience through the working of Your indwelling Holy Spirit. Right here in my everyday, ordinary life that prepares me for the assignment You have for me. Even in an instant!! I approach You with wide open arms of surrender this morning and embrace ALL that You have for me-fully and freely and in absolute excitement for what the future holds for me!! In Jesus’ Most Matchless Name I ask this, amen.