Ephesians 6:16: “In every situation, take the shield of faith, and with it you will be able to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.”
Last week we looked at how Paul’s reference to the shoes sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace actually referred to this as a weapon and not as an evangelistic tool. Today we are going to look at another very important weapon that is vital for EVERY situation in life: the shield of faith. Now this is a weapon that is wielded by those in Christ. It is not something that those who do not know Christ can understand. They will not understand how powerful this weapon is in their hands unless they put their trust in God and have given their lives to Him.
Now there are two elements here that beg our attention: the shield of faith and the fiery arrows of the enemy. It is amply evident that the shield of faith is a weapon to be used in every situation. It is evident that the shield of faith is the weapon to use when flaming arrows from the enemy come at us. It is evident that the shield of faith will extinguish (=destroy, end, terminate, do away with) the flaming arrows from the enemy.
To understand the application of these verses, we need to dig a bit deeper and understand what Paul is referring to as shield of faith. We also need to understand what the Bible refers to as flaming arrows from the enemy.
When I looked up some scripture references for arrows, interestingly here is what I found:
Psalm 64:3 says, “Who have sharpened their tongue like a sword. They aimed bitter speech as their arrow”
Jeremiah 9:8, “Their tongue is a deadly arrow; It speaks deceit; With his mouth one speaks peace to his neighbour, But inwardly he sets an ambush for him.”
The above verses indicate that secret deceit and betrayal from someone known to us and bitter speech are akin to arrows sent with evil intentions.
What do we do when those known to us malign us? When they threaten us with their words? When they suddenly catch us unaware with their deceitful schemes? When those that we trust betray us?
I cannot tell you how horribly painful the betrayal of someone close to us or known to us feels like. Yet God tells us through the scripture before us that we need to first recognize this as not coming from someone in flesh and blood but as a spiritual battle to throw us off guard or distract us from following our purpose.
Secondly, this battle cannot be won by fighting in the flesh. No amount of words that we use to vindicate ourselves can free us from the pain we feel by being betrayed. God asks us to take hold of the shield of faith to win this battle.
So what is this shield of faith?
A shield protects, safeguards, defends and acts as a buffer when fiery arrows from the enemy attack us. So what exactly is this faith and how does it help us?
I want us to look at and prayerfully meditate on the following scripture on faith to gain a deeper understanding of ‘faith’:
Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”
I was meditating on the above verse and two things stood out for me: “must believe that He exists” and “He rewards those who earnestly seek Him”.
Do we believe that God is real and is our ever present help in times of trouble? Do we believe that He is a personal God that is always ready, even before we pray, to come to our help?
Do we believe that we are not alone when a difficult situation comes our way? But that He walks with us through the difficult times and sees us through? Do we run to Him first when the flaming arrows of the enemy threaten to destroy our peace? Because we believe that He EXISTS- that He is not a figment of our imagination or an imaginary being contrived by weak human beings? Do you and I run to Him first because we know and believe that He is able to fight for us? Or do we make demi-gods of ourselves and try to solve the situation with our own wisdom? I must admit that when flaming arrows come my way, in most cases, I am fighting them with my own fists (with a “How dare they?”) instead of taking up the shield of faith.
According to Hebrews 11:6, faith also means God rewards those that earnestly seek Him. When we go before God and spread out our prayer requests before Him, something happens- He rewards us. He rewards our faith. The Bible says in Psalm 51:17, “The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart.”
I am reminded of the story of Hezekiah when the Assyrian king approached him with false accusations, threats and wanted to spread fear among the Israelites so that they would be defeated. I encourage you to read the entire story in 2 Kings 18:13-19:37. What was king Hezekiah’s first reaction when the Assyrian army advanced with threats? The bible records in 2 Kings 18:19,”When King Hezekiah heard it, he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the house of the Lord.”
Hezekiah did not fight back with hurtful words. He did not immediately round up his army to fight the Assyrian king. He recognised this as a spiritual battle. He recognised the One who is able to fight all battles and went to Him to resolve it for him. And God did fight this battle for Hezekiah! God took away the life of the Assyrian king- he was killed by his own sons!
Even though Hezekiah was a king, he needed someone greater to help him. How much more do you and I need God?
The Bible says in Romans 10:17, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Our faith increases as we read and meditate on His Word. How else will we come to terms with who God really is? How else can be seek after Him?
By reading and meditating on the past stories of triumph, we are encouraged to know that God fights our battles. By knowing of His nature as just, as our vindicator, as the One who fights for us, we are at peace. We come to realize how very limited we are, how little we are equipped and how mighty and powerful God is.
Heavenly Father, I am sorry that when people come at me with false accusations and deceitful schemes, I have been quick to react with my feet instead of spreading out the matter before You. I recognize and declare today that You are my vindicator. You are the God who sees. You are willing to not just fight my battles but also reward me for my willingness to trust You when battles arise. Increase my faith today, Lord. Help me to not hold back but to press into You and to take hold of the shield of faith. In Jesus’ Name, amen.